Bozen Oetzi Archaeologiemuseum
Bozen Oetzi Archaeologiemuseum

Museums and Exhibitions

Discover South Tyrol’s diverse heritage: from Oetzi to typewriters - a museum for every interest

Minerals and artworks, Oetzi the Iceman and the cave bear "Ursus ladinicus", speck and Haflinger horses, nativity scenes and typewriters - South Tyrol's museum landscape offers a surprising variety of themes. The region boasts over 150 museums, collections and exhibitions, including world-renowned institutions like the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology.

The venues housing these exhibits and displays are equally creative: planetariums and bunkers, residential homes and Baroque castles, mountain peaks and cellars, chapels and parish houses.

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  1. Archaeologiemuseum Bozen

    South Tyrol Museum of Archeology

    Visit Oetzi the Iceman, South Tyrol’s most famous resident, in Bolzano.
  2. Archeoparc Feldthurns

    Archeoparc Velturno

    Explore two fascinating archaeological sites in the Isarco Valley, revealing traces…
  3. archeoparc schnalstal

    archeoParc Val Senales

    Discover Oetzi’s world: a journey back to the Stone Age at the archeoParc in the…
  4. Archeoparc Villanders DSA

    Archeoparc Villandro

    A journey through 7,000 years of history at the Archeoparc Villandro in the Valle…
  5. Archimod

    Archimod Urban Space

    Architectural models of South Tyrolean building projects at Archimod in Bolzano.
  6. Ar GeKunst

    ar/ge Kunst

    Contemporary art in Bolzano: Discover the ar/ge art gallery in Bolzano’s pedestrian zone.
  7. Bauernmuseum

    Tschötscher Farm Life Museum

    A glimpse into rural life of the past in Sant’Osvaldo near Castelrotto.
  8. wegen

    Foiana Farm Life Museum

    A glimpse into rural life in South Tyrol offers the Foiana Farm Life Museum near Lana.
  9. Bunker Mooseum Ausstellung

    Bunker Mooseum

    A 1940s bunker in the Val Passiria valley houses a museum of the…
  10. Bunker Museum o

    Dobbiaco Bunker Museum

    Experience history firsthand: Explore the Cold War at the Bunker Museum near Dobbiaco.
  11. kaese

    Dairy Adventure World Capriz

    The delicious world of goat cheese awaits you in Vandoies in the Val Pusteria valley.
  12. Raumansicht Dioezesanmuseum Brixen

    Bressanone Diocesan Museum

    The Cathedral Treasury and the Nativity Museum can be seen in Bressanone’s Bishop’s…
  13. Culten

    Culten Documentation Centre

    Archaeological discoveries and insights into the prehistory and early history of…
  14. Siegesdenkmal Dauerausstellung Plakate von frueher

    Documentation Centre in the Victory Monument

    The history of Bolzano’s Victory Monument and the town under two dictatorships.
  15. domschatzkammer bozen monstranzen sonnenmonstranz

    Bolzano Cathedral Treasury

    Sacred art and history in the heart of Bolzano, next to the Cathedral of the…
  16. Dorfmuseum Aldein

    Aldino Local Museum

    Wonderful sacred exhibits and the “Treasure of the Thalhof” at the Aldino Local Museum.
  17. Gudon Local Museum

    Discover rural life in the Valle Isarco valley at the historic “Pfleghaus”, the…
  18. Eck Museum of Art

    Discover the Brunico Town Museum and its unique artists’ workshop in the Val…
  19. Eisenbahn

    Rablà Train World

    The Train World near Parcines - a journey into the world of miniature railways.
  20. Feuerwehrhelme EL

    Fireman's Helmet Museum

    In Gais near Brunico a unique museum shows 700 fire helmets from around the world.

    Fossilia Meltina

    A journey through millions of years of Earth’s history in Meltina on the Monzoccolo…
  22. Beinkleid frauenmuseum

    Merano Women's Museum

    A glimpse into women’s history at the Museia, the Merano Women’s Museum.
  23. tafel bei rotwand bahn bergstation

    Bellum Aquilarum open-air museum

    The Croda Rossa open-air museum “Bellum Aquilarum” tells the story of the First…
  24. Bilder Museum

    Upper Val Pusteria Museum of Tourism

    Discover the history of tourism in the Upper Val Pusteria at the Wassermann House…
  25. fotoforum

    Foto Forum Gallery

    Historic and contemporary photography at the Foto Forum Gallery in the old town of…
  26. galerie

    Gefängnis Le Carceri Gallery

    The captivating history of the “Gefängnis Le Carceri” art gallery is as compelling…
  27. st michael eppan galerie lanserhaus

    Lanserhaus Gallery and Archaeological Exhibition

    A cultural hub with a gallery, museum, and event halls in the historic Lanserhaus…
  28. Gampen Bunker

    Passo Palade Bunker

    South Tyrol’s largest bunker complex and the fascinating history of the mountain…
  29. Gebietsmuseum Deutschnofen P

    Nova Ponente Territory Museum

    Religious art and local history at the venerable Thurn Castle in Nova Ponente.
  30. Geomuseum

    Redagno GEOMuseum

    Two museums dedicated to South Tyrol’s geological history: the Aldino GEOMuseum and…
  31. schullian Ludwig Thalheimer v

    Greenhouse III

    The ever-changing exhibitions in the historic Bolzano Greenhouse III of the…
  32. habsburger

    Habsburg Museum

    Discover handwritten documents from Andreas Hofer and Habsburg emperors in Laces in…
  33. Haflinger

    Haflinger Horse Museum

    The Haflinger Horse Museum in San Genesio tells about South Tyrolean rural life.
  34. DSC Eccel Kreuzer

    Eccel Kreuzer House Museum

    Visit the art collection of Josef Kreuzer and Eva Eccel, a Bolzano couple.
  35. GTVilla Freischuetz

    Villa Freischütz House Museum

    Franz Fromm’s art collection and the “Garden of Living Silence” in Maia Alta in Merano.
  36. feldthurns schloss veldthurns

    Velturno Local Museum

    Housed in Velturno Castle, the former summer residence of the Bressanone…
  37. laatsch bei mals heimatmuseum

    Laudes Local Museum

    Explore rural life in the Val Venosta valley at the Laudes Local Museum.
  38. Ibsen Dokumentation

    Henrik Ibsen Documentation Centre

    Henrik Ibsen’s legacy in Colle Isarco: Discover the path, square, and documentation…
  39. Tramin Gewuerztraminer

    Local Museum "Hoamet Tramin Museum"

    Discover the history of the Gewurztraminer wine and the Egetmann Parade at the…
  40. Plattner Bienenhof Museum Imkerei Innenbereich Geraete

    Beekeeping Museum at the Plattner Farm

    600 years of beekeeping history at the Plattner Farm in Costalovara on the Renon.
  41. RS juedisches museum meran museo ebraico merano

    Merano Jewish Museum

    Memorial site and living memory: the widely known Jewish Museum in Merano.
  42. Museum Bad Egart

    Royal and Imperial Museum Bad Egart

    Step back in time at the Bad Egart Museum near Parcines and discover the world of…
  43. DSC kastelruth

    "Kastelruther Spatzen" folk music museum

    Visit the unique “Kastelruther Spatzen” Museum in Castelrotto in South Tyrol.
  44. kino sessel

    Bolzano Cinema Museum

    A peek behind the scenes: The Cinè Museum, South Tyrol’s Cinema Museum, in…
  45. kleines museum koppens

    Small Museum in Lana

    A private collection offering glimpses into two World Wars in Lana in South Tyrol.
  46. Krypta Marienberg

    "ora et labora" Monastery Museum

    Discover daily life at the Monte Maria Abbey: The “ora et labora” museum on the…
  47. kloster son jon muestair muenstertal fresken aus karolingerzeit

    Saint John Abbey Museum in Müstair

    World Heritage in the Val Monastero: St. John’s Abbey, known in Romansh as Son Jon,…
  48. Krippenmuseum DSC

    Muri-Gries Nativity Scene Museum

    In the heart of Bolzano there’s a captivating collection of nativity scenes - it is…
  49. Luttach Krippenmuseum Maranatha Innen

    Maranatha Nativity Scene Museum

    Immerse yourself in the world of nativity scenes and wood carving in the Valle…
  50. Krippenmuseum Heide

    Nativity Scene Museum Original Heide

    Handcrafted nativity figures from Pontives in South Tyrol: That’s the Demetz…
  51. Osterkrippe

    Stabinger Nativity Scene Collection

    Visit oriental and Tyrolean nativity scenes in the Sesto district of San Vito in…
  52. Ferrini Sight Unseen still

    Kunst Meran - Merano Arte

    A centre for contemporary art has opened beneath the Arcades of Merano.
  53. Kunstforum

    Art Forum Bassa Atesina

    Experience contemporary art in several exhibitions under Egna’s historic arcades.
  54. Lodenwelt

    World of Loden Museum

    Experience Loden at the interactive World of Loden in Vandoies: from sheep shearing…
  55. Lumen Winter

    LUMEN Museum of Mountain Photography

    LUMEN is the name of the unique museum perched atop Mt. Plan de Corones, at over…
  56. schenna mausoleum erzherzog johann

    Archduke John of Austria Mausoleum

    The neo-Gothic burial chapel in Scena sits right next to the Parish Church of the…
  57. Merkantilmuseum Ehrensaal

    Bolzano Mercantile Museum

    Trade and history in the heart of Bolzano: a visit to the Mercantile Museum.
  58. innichen stiftsmuseum tafel

    MIK Museum im Kapitel

    Explore the treasures of the former Augustinian Monastery in the Dolomites.
  59. museum Panorama

    Kirchler Mineral Museum

    Sparkling treasures of the Alps - that’s what the Kirchler Mineral Collection in…
  60. teis mineralienmuseum

    Tiso Mineral Museum

    The fascinating world of minerals is located in a museum in Tiso in the Val di…
  61. Ausstellung BesuchersanKL

    Minnehus Laion

    Discover the life and poetry of the minstrel Walther von der Vogelweide in Lajen.
  62. MMMCorones

    MMM Corones

    Traditional alpinism at the Messner Mountain Museum on Mt. Plan de Corones.
  63. P Eppan Frangart Schloss Sigmundskron MMM

    MMM Firmian

    Reinhold Messner’s captivating mountain museum at Firmiano Castle near Bolzano.
  64. Schloss Juval Tafele Eingang Frieden ED P

    MMM Juval

    Messner Mountain Museum Juval: the mythical mountain world at Juval Castle in the…
  65. MMMOrtles

    MMM Ortles

    The Messner Mountain Museum Ortles in Solda, dedicated to South Tyrol’s highest peak.
  66. MMM Ripa Schloss Bruneck

    MMM Ripa

    Encountering mountain peoples at the Messner Mountain Museum Ripa in Brunico Castle.
  67. Monumental bas-relief in Bolzano

    A Hannah Arendt quote Illuminates the façade of the Finance Building at the…
  68. Moorlaerche ABE

    Moor Larch Nature Museum

    At the Thalerhof Residence in Lana you may visit a unique Stone Age larch.
  69. Museion YA

    Museion Bolzano

    The Museion, Bolzano’s Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, welcomes you to its…
  70. vespa

    Al Plan Dolomites Museum

    A glimpse into 150 years of South Tyrolean life at the Hotel Al Plan in San Vigilio…
  71. Brunnenburg

    Fontana Castle Museum

    Explore Fontana Castle in Tirolo, housing an Agricultural Museum and the Ezra Pound…
  72. innichen ausstellung dolomythos

    DoloMythos Museum

    The fascinating world of the Dolomites at the DoloMythos Museum in the Upper Val Pusteria.
  73. museum fuer alltagskultur

    Museum of Everyday Culture

    Step back in time at this charming museum housed in a historic arcade building in Egna.
  74. Museum of the Ortles Region

    Discover the history and culture of the Ortles Region at the museum in Solda.
  75. jagdzimmer Moos Schulthaus

    Museum for Medieval Culture of Living

    Palù-Schulthaus Castle: Explore a medieval kitchen, a Gothic parlour, and…
  76. Museum Zwerger

    Prince-Bishop Johannes Zwerger Museum

    The life and legacy of Prince-Bishop Johannes Zwerger at his birthplace museum in…
  77. Gherdeina Local Heritage Museum

    Enjoy the Ladin history and culture of the Val Gardena, including the traditional…
  78. rohrerhaus

    Museum at the Rohrerhaus

    Discover life in the Val Sarentino as it once was at the Rohrerhaus, a historic…
  79. RS brixen weisser turm st michaels kirche

    White Tower Museum

    A charming museum awaits you in the 72-metre-high White Tower of Bressanone’s…
  80. RS C kloster neustift kreuzgang

    Novacella Monastery

    Explore history, art, and wine culture at the Augustinian Monastery of Novacella.
  81. Museum Ladin

    Museum Ladin Ćiastel de Tor

    The Ladin language and culture in the Dolomites at the Museum Ladin in San Martino…
  82. Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus Skelett

    Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus

    The fascinating world of the cave bear at the museum in San Cassiano in the Alta Badia.
  83. Museum Magie des Wassers Lappach DSC

    Museum "The Magic of Water"

    Discover the power and secrets of water at the water museum in the Valle Aurina valley.
  84. Mansio Sebatum

    Mansio Sebatum Museum

    Journey back to Roman times at the Mansio Sebatum Museum in the Val Pusteria valley.
  85. Pons Drusi DSC

    Pons Drusi Museum

    Discover Roman-era finds in Bolzano, specifically in the Gries-San Quirino district.
  86. Eingangshalle

    Collepietra Local Museum

    Delve into 1,000 years of South Tyrolean history at the museum in Collepietra,…
  87. Vintscher Oberland P

    Upper Venosta Valley Museum

    The history of Lake Resia is told at the Upper Venosta Valley Museum near the lake.
  88. Museum Zeitreise Mensch Industriearchaeologie

    Museum "People through Time"

    An interesting journey through 12,000 years of human history can be made in Cortaccia.
  89. Museum Passeier Obergeschoss

    MuseumPasseier - Andreas Hofer

    At the Sandhof farm in the Val Passiria, Andreas Hofer’s birthplace, his life and…
  90. Naturmuseum Suedtirol Dauerausstellung Hirsch Fauna

    South Tyrol Museum of Nature

    Discover South Tyrol’s nature in the heart of Bolzano, including a living ant colony.
  91. Passage of Remembrance

    Bolzano’s Passage of Remembrance illuminates a dark chapter in the town’s and…
  92. Paul Flora

    Paul Flora - Glorenza Church Tower

    Discover 60 works and photos from Paul Flora’s life displayed in the Glorenza…
  93. voels dorfansicht mit Pfarrkirche Maria Himmelfahrt

    Parish and Archaeological Museum

    Archaeological finds and sacred Art in the Romanesque St. Michael’s Chapel.
  94. st johann kirche taufers im muenstertal fresken

    St. Michael Parish Museum

    Discover 20 sacred treasures in the medieval St. Michael Chapel in Tubre.
  95. Pfarrmuseum Taufers

    Tures Parish Museum

    Discover seven centuries of church treasures in the old granary of Campo Tures.
  96. Pharmaziemuseum

    Bressanone Pharmacy Museum

    A fascinating journey through 400 years of medical history in Bressanone.
  97. Plessi Museum esterni

    Plessi Museum at the Brennero Pass

    Take an art break at the Brennero Pass: Explore Fabrizio Plessi’s captivating work…
  98. RS Kerner Session three

    Caldaro Vine Museum

    350 grape varieties from around the world grow at the Lieselehof Estate in…
  99. rudolf stolz museum sexten

    Rudolf Stolz Museum

    Discover the works of South Tyrolean painter Rudolf Stolz in Sesto in the Upper Val…
  100. Russian Orthodox Memorial

    Icons, religious objects, and documents from fin-de-siècle Russia can be admired in…
  101. naturns st prokulus kirche fresken heiliger prokulus flucht aus verona

    St. Proculus Museum and Church

    South Tyrol’s oldest frescoes and 1,500 years of history - that’s St. Proculus near…
  102. percorso visitatori

    Show Corridor in the District Heating Plant

    Renewable energy production is presented at the Dobbiaco-San Candido District…
  103. schaukaeserei drei zinnen museum kaeselaibe

    Three Peaks Show Dairy

    See cheesemaking up close at the Three Peaks Show Dairy in the Upper Val Pusteria.
  104. Schludernser Tor

    Sluderno Gate Tower

    Exhibition and tourist information in the imposing tower of Glorenza’s town walls.
  105. Intern

    Typewriter Museum

    Peter Mitterhofer’s groundbreaking typewriter inventions are on display at the…
  106. Schulmuseum

    Bolzano School Museum

    Explore South Tyrolean school history at the historic Lampl Residence in Rencio.
  107. tagusens schulmuseum

    Tagusa School Museum

    The history of school life is told in an old school building in the hamlet of…
  108. semiruralihaus

    Semi-Rural House

    A rare surviving Semi-Rural House in Bolzano offers a unique insight into life in…
  109. Bergwerk Villaders

    Villandro Silver Mine

    Discover the St. Elizabeth Tunnel in the secluded Val di Tinne valley below the…
  110. galerie Prisma

    SKB Artes & Ateliers

    Art and culture in the heart of Bolzano: Discover the studios and exhibition spaces…
  111. Stadtgalerie

    Bolzano Civic Gallery

    Experience art from the 9th and 15th century in the former Dominican monastery.
  112. Brixen

    Bressanone Civic Gallery

    Contemporary art under the historic Great Arcades of Bressanone in the Valle Isarco.
  113. Stadtmuseum Bozen

    Bolzano Municipal Museum

    Precious art and cultural-history collections are on display at South Tyrol’s…
  114. Bild

    Chiusa Municipal Museum

    The Chiusa Municipal Museum is dedicated to the Loreto Treasure and the Artists’ Colony.
  115. meran palmen und turm nikolaus pfarrkirche

    Merano Municipal Museum - Palais Mamming

    The Palais Mamming shows extraordinary exhibits like a mummy and Napoleon’s death mask.
  116. Kultur

    Vipiteno Municipal Museum and Multscher Museum

    Discover two captivating museums housed in a former Teutonic Order hospice.
  117. schluchtenweg aussicht auf moos in passeier

    Stieber Mooseum

    Hydropower and electricity generation in the Val Passiria valley: the Stieber Mooseum.
  118. nogarestiftung

    Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation

    Experience contemporary art bilingually: exhibitions and more in Bolzano.
  119. South Tyrolean Castles Museum

    Trostburg Castle near Ponte Gardena in the Isarco Valley houses the South Tyrolean…
  120. PXL schneeberg

    South Tyrol Museum of Mining

    The four locations of the South Tyrol Museum of Mining are located between the…
  121. hmg pa

    South Tyrolean Museum of Hunting and Fishing

    Wolfsthurn Castle - also known as Mareta Castle - in the Upper Valle Isarco: museum…
  122. Touriseum Schloss Trauttmansdorff Schilder Kehren

    South Tyrol Museum of Tourism - Touriseum

    200 years of tourism history at the Touriseum at Trauttmansdorff Castle near Merano.
  123. Volkskundemuseum Dietenheim

    South Tyrolean Folklore Museum

    Explore 20+ historic farms at the South Tyrolean Folklore Museum in Teodone.
  124. Schloss Tirol Museum Kreuzigungsgruppe Altarbild

    South Tyrolean Museum of Culture and Provincial History

    Discover South Tyrol’s history - from the Middle Ages to the present day at Tyrol…
  125. DSC obstbaumuseum lana

    South Tyrolean Fruit Growing Museum

    The fascinating world of apple cultivation in South Tyrol at the historic Larchgut…
  126. RS Eppan Speck

    South Tyrol Speck Museum

    Hardly any other edible product embodies the South Tyrolean tradition like the…
  127. torgglkeller mit kreuzgratgewoelbe foto hmg

    South Tyrolean Wine Museum

    Discover the history of South Tyrolean wine at the museum in Caldaro on the Wine Road.
  128. wasserkraftwerk toell

    Tecneum - Museum of Technology

    The Tecneum’s Technology Mile gives virtually and on location access to cable cars,…
  129. timmelsjoch hochalpenstrasse timmelsjoch pass museum

    Timmel Transit - Passo del Rombo Experience

    On the 50th anniversary of the Passo del Rombo High Alpine Road, the…
  130. Einweihung

    Castelrotto Museum of Traditional Costumes

    The “Tracht”, the traditional dress in South Tyrol - insights at the Museum of…
  131. Traktoren

    Tractor and Vespa Museum

    The private collection of tractors and Vespas at the Ungerichthof in Caines is a…
  132. uhrenmuseum clementi bozen

    Bolzano Watchmaking Museum

    A 400-year journey through the art of watchmaking: In the heart of Bolzano you’ll…
  133. talmuseum

    Ultimo Valley Museum

    A folklore museum in San Nicolò in the rear Val d’UItimo valley illustrates the…
  134. Roemische Fibel Vintschger Museum

    VUSEUM - Venosta Valley Museum

    The Sluderno Museum shows the history and the culture of the Venosta Valley.
  135. Wine Museum Rametz

    In the spa town of Merano, the private Wine Museum at Rametz Castle tells all about…

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