Be enchanted by Late Gothic frescoes and the history of a remarkable aristocratic residence
Image gallery: Palù-Schulthaus Castle
The complex of Palù-Schulthaus Castle is a historic estate in Appiano on the Wine Road. The site comprises several residential and farm buildings. Its oldest section, the residential tower in the north-east corner, dates back to around 1300. At that time, the estate was owned by the Firmian von Moos. Over time, the medieval residential and defensive tower evolved into an entire castle.
Because the walls are unplastered, the various construction phases and stylistic periods - from the 14th and 15th centuries to the expansion in the 16th and 17th centuries - are clearly visible. In the 17th century, the estate belonged to the brothers Leonhard and David von Lanser. They were elevated to the aristocracy "von Moos". Although they didn't live in the castle for long, a proverb still recalls them today: "... they live like a Lanser on Palù".
It describes someone who has plenty of money and spends it lavishly. In 1956, the Bolzano merchant Walther Amonn acquired Palù-Schulthaus Castle (Schloss Moos-Schulthaus) and restored it. During the restoration, whitewashed frescoes from around 1470-1475 were uncovered. Today, the castle, along with the St. Catherine Chapel, belongs to the Walther Amonn Foundation.
Inside, you can visit the Museum for Medieval Culture of Living. How to get there: The somewhat hidden ensemble is located above Ganda Castle in Appiano Monte, west of the Calvary Church. A walk there is worthwhile. You can also reach the castle by bus line 135 or by car via a narrow road.
Contact info
- Via Palù / Schulthauserweg 4 - 39057 - Appiano Monte / Eppan Berg
- +39 335 7068 118 / +39 0471 053906
Opening times
Visit to the museum only with guided tour and upon reservation:
Despite careful control we cannot guarantee the correctness of the provided data.
Museum for Medieval Culture of Living:
€ 10.00 adults
€ 7.00 groups (10 and more persons)
€ 7.00 seniors
€ 5.00 students
€ 2.50 school classes (up to 18 years)
free for children under 6 years
family ticket:
€ 20.00 per family
More information
The Museum for Medieval Culture of Living stays open every year from April to November and is accessible only upon prior reservation (guided tour). Monday rest day, it remains closed in winter.
The guided tours are held in German, Italian, and - upon request - English language from Tuesday to Sunday at 11 am, noon time, 2 pm and 3 pm, upon reservation also at 10 am resp. 4 pm. Also the guided tour "Historical art treasures" by the Appiano Tourist Office will take you to Palù Castle: It is offered every Wednesday at 4 pm from the 2nd of April to November 19, 2025.
Season start 2025 on the 1st of April.