Monday 24 March 14:30 - 17:00

Rock the Dolomites: Temporaneamente

Selva Gardena

Beginning: 14:30

End: 17:00

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Selva Gardena, Dantercepies Mountain Lounge
Rock the Dolomites,
+39 0471 777900,
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Temporarily for you at the guitar Elia Garutti (guitarist of Morandi and Renga at his recent tour), at the drums Jacopo Tini (Sonohra, Vecchioni), voice Fabio Cugola, basso Fabio Bortolani. So many experiences, so many stages, so many situations, so many collaborations... Temporarily for you music on the move, a harmonious kaleidoscope from the 70s to grunge 90 up to today's freshness, rock that never tires!

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