Ride with the historic railcars
3 dates
from Tuesday, 17 October 2023
to Tuesday, 31 October 2023
This event already took place.
+39 0471 356100,
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Soprabolzano Hotels SoprabolzanoDescription
Enjoy a ride with the the historic train of the Ritten Railway.
Start every Thuesday from Oberbozen at 5.06 & 6.06 p.m. to Klobenstein and 5.36 & 6.36 p.m. from Klobenstein to Oberbozen.
No reservation necessary!
Except during rainy weather, high passenger volume and operational outages.
The day was August 13, the year 1907, when an important part of Ritten’s history was written: the inauguration of the Rittner Bahn, the railway Ritten leading from the main square Piazza Walther in the heart of Bolzano directly to the plateau of Ritten. From Bolzano to Maria Himmelfahrt the train puffed up the mountain on a cog drive, mastering an elevation gain of 1000 meters. Once at the top, the tracks led flat and even on to Oberbozen, Lichtenstern and finally Klobenstein.
The Railway Renon was designed on the model of Swiss mountain railways during the Belle Epoque, a time when mountains were made more accessible for wealthy tourists. However, through the decades, the construction of this railway would prove a great benefit for the local population as well.
In 1966, the cog railway was shut down and a then modern cable car was built, connecting the city and the mountain from Bolzano to Soprabolzano. In May 2009, this original cable car was replaced by the present modern gondola ropeway. Meanwhile, the historic narrow-gauge railway still runs from Collalbo to Maria Assunta, operating partly with original cars and partly with more modern ones.
It is the only one of its kind left in South Tyrol. The spectacular view of the Dolomites along the track is reason enough to catch a ride on this witness of past times.
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