Sunday 16 March 10:00 - 17:00

Open day: Hofburg


Beginning: 10:00

End: 17:00

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Bishop Palace,
+39 0472 830505,
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On Sunday, March 16, the Hofburg Brixen invites you to an open day, where visitors can explore the Diocesan Museum, the rooms of the former Bishop's Palace, and the impressive nativity collection with annual and Lenten nativity scenes free of charge. Visitors can participate in a few guided tours:

  • 10:30 AM guided tour for kids in German
  • 11:30 AM guided tour for kids in Italian
  • 2 PM guided tour in German
  • 3 PM guided tour in Italian
Additionally, the book "Die Krippensammlung der Hofburg Brixen / La collezione di presepi Hofburg Bressanone" will be presented by journalist Markus Perwanger between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. As part of this book presentation, Markus Perwanger will guide visitors through the nativity collection at 11:00 AM in German and at 12:00 AM in Italian.
During a Book Sale, selected books will be sold at discounted prices. This event is aimed at art and history enthusiasts, as well as families who wish to spend their Sunday in a historical setting.
Entry and the guided tours are free.

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