Saturday 1 March 18:30 - 20:30

Mountain & Music - Jungegg


Beginning: 18:30

End: 20:30

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Sesto, Weinstube Mühle
Tourist Office Sexten/Sesto,
+39 0474710310,
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Let yourself be carried away by the traditional music of Felix Steinwandter during a cozy Frühshoppen with Weisswurst and beer. With his accordion and voice, he creates an authentic, rustic atmosphere that perfectly complements the traditional charm of the venue and invites everyone to sing along with familiar songs. A perfect moment to enjoy the day with music and good company.

Altre date di Mountain & Music:
19.01.2025 - Sport Sexten - 18.00 - Cose di famiglia - Folk/Pop

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15.02.2025 - Caffè “Zur Post” - ore 18.00 - Magdalena Oberstaller e Marc Perin - Folk/Pop
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23.02.2025 - Zin Fux - ore 13.30 - Musica alpinistica - musica tradizionale
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08.03.2025 - S'Grillhittl - ore 10.30 - Felix Steinwandter - musica tradizionale
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15.03.2025 - Bergsteiger Bistro - ore 11.00 - Nina Duschek- Soul/Jazz/Pop
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23.03.2025 - Henn Stoll - ore 13.00 - The Jam 'son - Folk/Pop

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