Friday 11 October 12:00 - 18:30

Merano Vitae: mindfulness


Beginning: 12:00

End: 18:30

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Historic town of Merano, meeting point: Via Cassa di Risparmio
Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran,

Attention! Reservation needed.

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Seeds of mindfulness in and for Merano.

You are very welcome to explore our wonderful city of Merano in a completely new way. In connection with yourself and nature. In cooperation with Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran we are looking forward to an inspiring afternoon. You can choose if to participate in the whole programme or just single offers.
We wish you great joy!

12.00 – 12.30 pm in Via Cassa di Risparmio/Sparkassenstraße
„Flashmob of silence“.
We let a field of silence arise in the middle of the busy city centre. We position ourselves quietly, find perfect calmness for a few minutes and enjoy it. Join us and experience what moments of silence cna mean to you. Maybe you will also feel: „Silence is peace“.
Space holders: Team und customers of Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran.
Meeting Point: Sparkassenstraße, Via Cassa di Risparmio/Sparkassenstraße

3.30 – 4.30 pm at Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran/Gilf
Contemplative walking in the Gilf.
Tune into a gift that lies within you. Concentrate and consciously take contact with the Earth under your feet. It will go quiet inside you, you’ll find a new, slow rhythm and you’ll very consciously position one foot in front of the other. Surrounded by the beautiful nature in the Gilf, you are invited to enjoy this experience with all your senses.
Space Holder: Renate Kuen
Meeting point: Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran, Ortensteingasse 4

4.30– 5.30 pm at Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran/Passer
Autumn messages from nature with Martina De Rosi.
We activate our senses and observe nature and its seasonal rhythm. Autumn stands for letting go. What can we learn from nature in this period of time? Which messages are we getting if look mindfully? We’ll discover it on the Gilf promenade and along the river with a final sharing of experiences.
Space Holder: Martina De Rosi
Meeting point: Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran, Ortensteingasse 4

5.30 – 6.15 pm at Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran
Relaxation and mindfulness meditation.
Give yourself this time to meet yourself mindfully, to feel yourself, to experience deep calmness and to enjoy silence.
Space Holder: Christiana Bortolotti
Meeting Point: Yoga Shiatsu Zentrum Meran, Ortensteingasse 4

For information and registration:
Martina De Rosi, Tel 338 4511627/Christiana Bortolotti, Tel 348 3500106

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