Saturday 9 November 20:00 - 22:00

Merano Klezmer - JazzYiddish


Beginning: 20:00

End: 22:00

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Historic town of Merano, Academy Merano Villa San Marco
Academy of German-Italian Studies,
0473 237737,
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Concert in remembrance of the Reichsprogromnacht

9 November is a fateful date for all those who are aware of history. With our music, we seek roots and connections to Jewish culture. For with the destruction of the synagogues on 9 November 1938, the beginning of persecution in Germany and the subsequent Holocaust, a large part of European Jewish culture was wiped out.
Musically united are well-known jazz musicians and klezmer musicians who combine the elements of jazz and klezmer. Openness is one of the characteristics of both musical styles and also of our region, which has always allowed cultures and languages to communicate with each other. The songs in Yiddish are reminiscent of pain and resistance, but also of tenderness and care. The spirituality and intimacy of this music evokes the miracle of survival on the one hand and points to the depth and beauty of Jewish culture and music on the other.

Friede Haupt, voice
Michele Giro, piano
Marco Patrizi, bass
Angelo Baselli, klezmer clarinet

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