Sunday 18 May 11:00 - 16:00

Collepietra Local Museum Int. Museum Day - Museum Collepietra

Cornedo all'Isarco

Beginning: 11:00

End: 16:00

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Collepietra, Museum Collepietra
Val D'Ega Turismo/Eggental Tourismus,
+39 0471 619560,
More information about:
Collepietra Local Museum


On International Museum Day there is an Open Day at the Steinegg Museum.

On a tour you can experience over 1000 years of Tyrolean history, customs and traditions on 1000 m² in this unique museum.
An animal exhibition will especially amaze children's eyes.

On International Museum Day, museum visitors will be able to watch interviews with historical witnesses for the first time (in german and italian). These interviews will be played on various screens. This project was initiated in summer 2023 and has set itself the task of recording the knowledge and experiences of the older population of the municipality of Karneid.

Additional programme:
11 am - 4 pm: interactive quiz for children & families
2 - 4 p.m.: experience old crafts live
3 p.m.: "Kinderschuhplattler" - group from Steinegg

Everyone will receive a genuine "Kirchtagskrapfen" from Steinegg.

The visit is free of charge on this day (voluntary donation).

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