Saturday 8 March 09:00

"Horn Attacke"


Beginning: 09:00

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Bolzano City Centre, Bolzano - Corno del Renon
Horn Attacke,

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Individual athletes, teams of two and the tireless "mountaineers" will tackle 20 km and 2,000 metres in altitude from Bolzano to the Rittner Horn in running shoes and on skis. The participants in the mountaineering category run from the start, complete with ski equipment, for the Ulli Seebacher Prize.

Route mountain race:
Start in Bozen (Mountainspirit shop), St. Magdalena along hiking trail 6 to Oberbozen, Kaserhof, Riggermoos, Tann, Pemmern (transition area).
Route ski tour:
From Pemmern ski route along the designated ascent track Feltuner Hütte and ascent Rittner Horn.

The starting signal will be given on 8 March 2025 at 9 a.m. in the centre of Bolzano (262 m) and leads over a distance of 20 km and 2,000 metres in altitude to the Rittner Horn (2,260 m). First with running shoes to the Ritten high plateau in Oberbozen, then to Pemmern to the valley station of the Rittner Horn mountain railway and from there on skis to the summit of the Rittner Horn with a fascinating 360° panoramic view of the imposing Dolomites and the surrounding mountains.

Both men and women take part in the Horn Attack, individually or as a pair. In the individual competition, athletes take on the challenge alone. In the two-person relay, the pairs alternate in Pemmern. The first athletes run to Pemmern, the second athletes ski to the finish.
Participants in the "Mountaineers" category experience pure adrenaline. They start in Bolzano with their ski touring equipment on their backs, walk to Pemmern and then strap on their skis to cover the last 7 kilometres to the Rittner Horn. The participants in this special category will be honoured with the "Ulli Seebacher" prize in memory of the co-founder of the Hornattacke, who died too young

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