Saturday 8 March 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday 12 April 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10 May 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday 14 June 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday 13 September 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday 11 October 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday 8 November 06:00 - 19:00
Monday 8 December 06:00 - 19:00
Flea market
8 dates
from Saturday, 8 March 2025
to Monday, 8 December 2025
Flea market - used items from the household, cellar and attic fill the flea market stall and make you want to rummage and haggle
The profits from the stall rents go to needy families in Lana and the surrounding area.
Despite our efforts in verifying data we do not assume any responsibility for the correctness of information and the effective ralisation of events listed in our calendar. In order to verify single events, please contact the organisers.