Wednesday 19 February 20:30 - 22:00

Film: Vienna Calling


Beginning: 20:30

End: 22:00

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Historic town of Merano, Centro per la Cultura
Mairania 857,
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by Philipp Jedicke - Austria/Germany 2023 - 90 minutes - in German language

The result is an electrifying and poetic approach to the music and cultural scene of a European metropolis in which the current developments and conflicts of our time take place. The Viennese artists take the space they need. But this space is becoming ever narrower...

Vienna Calling is not a music documentary in the classic sense and certainly not an Austropop history lesson, but an entertaining docu-musical. The film's protagonists - including Der Nino aus Wien, Lydia Haider and Voodoo Jürgens - are clearly enjoying themselves.

Vienna Calling offers them another cinematic stage, which they enter with relish and perform a play with plenty of humour.

As part of the documentary series Docu.emme

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