Thursday 27 March 17:30 - 19:00

Corals under the microscope: workshop


Beginning: 17:30

End: 19:00

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Bolzano City Centre, Museum of Nature
Museum of Nature,
+39 0471 412964,

Attention! Reservation needed.

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Corals under the microscope: Workshop at the Nature Museum
For everyone who loves coral reefs: At a workshop on 27 March, adults and young people aged twelve and over can take a close-up look at corals at the Natural History Museum.

Corals are considered the master builders of the oceans. They consist of countless polyps that build huge coral reefs in symbiosis with small algae. Young people aged twelve and over and adults can observe these unique creatures under the microscope at the workshop ‘The world under the microscope: coral’, which takes place on Thursday, 27 March from 5.30 to 7 pm at the South Tyrol Museum of Nature in Bolzano. Participants will learn how corals feed, what their tentacles look like and how they use their secret weapons. They can also identify the algae that live in these organisms and feed them.

Participation costs 12 euros.

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