Saturday 14 September 20:30

Concert evening: Soirée


Beginning: 20:30

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Longomoso, Commandery Longomoso
Kuratorium Kommende Lengmoos,
+39 377 3451238,

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Storytelling in German & piano music in the Lengmoos Commandery at 8.30 p.m.
Entrance € 15, RittenCard € 12, student € 5.

In our longing for life and the search for understanding and being understood, words and the stories associated with them speak to us. Often, they are the catalyst that propels us forward, helps us transform, or sets us in motion. When our potpourri of stories is further framed and illustrated musically, and a piece of music even serves as its own story, it is more than fitting to say: Tales and stories are not only meant to lull a child to sleep but also to awaken an adult!
We are delighted to take you on one of the journeys of our storytelling concerts...

Alexandra Eyrich - Storyteller,
Nadine Schuster - Pianist.

Ticket reservation!

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