Saturday 3 August 20:30

Concert evening: Duo Grecu – Fabris


Beginning: 20:30

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Longomoso, Commandery Longomoso
Kuratorium Kommende Lengmoos,
+39 377 3451238,

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Romantic and Late-Romantic Piano Music in the Lengmoos Commandery at 8.30 p.m.
Entrance € 15, RittenCard € 12, student € 5.

Since 2008, the pianist duo Christine Grecu and Roberto Fabris have been expanding the European musical horizon of their audience with performances in Italy, Germany, Romania, and Bulgaria. The duo has received musical impulses through collaborations with Konstantin Bogino (Accademia S. Cecilia di Bergamo) and during the masterclass of the famous piano duo Genova – Dimitrov.
Their CD recorded in 2012 with works by Debussy, Rachmaninoff, and Bizet garnered significant attention.
Grecu and Fabris have been awarded multiple times, including the 1st prize at the Giulio Rospigliosi competition and the Piove di Sacco competition in Padova.

Christine Grecu, Roberto Fabris - Piano

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