Erdbeerfest Martelltal
Erdbeerfest Martelltal

Val Martello Strawberry Days

Between June and July, the focus in the Martello Valley in the Val Venosta is set on a delicious red fruit that grows here

In South Tyrol they are famous: the strawberries from the Val Martello valley, late-maturing varieties which convince with their taste and aroma. Enjoyed fresh with whipped cream or boiled down to jam, the fruits are much sought-after and known beyond the borders. The red berries are celebrated each year at the Val Martello Strawberry Days - it is the start of the local berry season.

For three weeks, the restaurants in Martello offer refined dishes with strawberries, and the crowning event - the South Tyrolean Strawberry Festival in the Trattla Leisure Centre - invites to the coronation of the Strawberry Queen and to the cut of the giant strawberrry cake. The supporting programme includes the Beerenparty, a strawberry market and guided hikes along the South Tyrolean Strawberry Trail. Especially popular are the cooking courses, where you may where you'll learn how to prepare delicacies such as Val Martello Strawberry Salad.

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